About Shopi go

Shopi go has brought a new vision to the concept of shopping in Turkey by offering an extraordinary variety of products ranging from fashion to lifestyle and by creating eccentric online shopping concept.

Besides its editorial content, Shopi go includes the latest collections of more than 250 brands including leading worlwide designers.

The website that is curated by the creative team of Shopi go, offers you a pleasant time with categories ranging from clothing and accessories to house decoration and technology while creating a lifestyle for you.

With its service concept, Shopi go focuses on the pleasure of shopping by delivering in 4 hours within Istanbul and express delivery to all over Turkey. Shopi go also offers the privilege of free collection for returns.

Besides from its online concept store, Shopi go opened up its new store No:17 to bring together the customers with the products in Nişantaşı Mim Kemal Öke Street, which is the best place for fashion and design.

Located in the middle of the most exuberating part of town, No:17 is a common ground where high fashion, music, art, books, technology, and decoration meet, in an inspiring environment. The interior, where daylight is let in from the street to the basement with a grand globe glass, is filled with Shopi go's wide range of merchandise, varying from clothing, to technology, to home, to sports & outdoor, to personal care.


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